50 Christmas themed songs based on well-known tunes
Available with INSTANT access ONLINE NOW!
Covering the themes of: Nativity, Santa, Reindeer, Elves, Decorations, Gifts, Celebrating, and Weather
For those who work with children from ~3 to 5 years
Simple songs with no accompaniment that make it easy for you and the children to:
- Sing at a pitch (high/low) and tempo (speed) suitable for you.
- Wherever you wish as there is no need for a device. Could be used for:
- Concerts, Celebrations, Assemblies
- Song or Music Time
- 5 Minute Wonders
You get access to 50 Christmas themed songs based on well-known nursery rhymes and tunes.
To help you it includes
- A PDF download with the lyrics for all 50 songs.
- Recordings to listen to on the website to familiarise you with the tune. The tunes and lyrics are easy for you to pick up!
Song PDF to download that can be created into a lanyard, for example:
Get this resource for FREE
If you have paid 'Early Years Music Ideas 2 to 5 Years' membership, you will automatically be able to gain access to this resource on the membership site!
Don't have access to Early Years Music Ideas 2 to 5 Years yet? . Click here to find out more about signing up >>>https://www.musicintheearlyyears.com/early-years-music-ideas-2-to-5 <<<
Access will be for as long as your membership is active
What Other Early Years Are Saying About the Resource
What Other Early Years Are Saying About the Resource
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:
How do I access the resource?
Very easily! As long as you have access to the internet on a device (phone, tablet or computer) you can access the resource. The resource is on a secure website. On signing up you will be allocated a username and password.
Then, click on the link for the secure website, enter your login and password that’s it you can access the resource! Super easy!
This is an online resource ONLY. No paper copies will be sent to you.
- Can I share the resource with other early years colleagues?
Each place purchased is for an individual.
That person CANNOT share their login details and the resource material in electronic or printed format: e.g. PDFs
- Can I use the resource if I run an under 5s children’s business?
Yes, the song ideas you are free to use to teach young children. However, they are for your own use. THEY CANNOT BE USED FOR YOU TO TRAIN OTHERS FOR FINANCIAL GAIN OR BE ADDED TO A FRANCHISE CURRICULUM
I'm worried about entering my payment details online, how do I know it is safe?
My website is secure as can be seen by the padlock symbol in the address bar:
All payments are done securely through Stripe or Paypal; your payment details are never disclosed.
If I change my mind after purchase, can I get a refund?
This is a digital product and is delivered immediately after purchase and therefore under UK law doesn't fall under the 14 day 'cooling off' period. This means that you won't get a refund
Will the resource show demonstrations with groups of children?
Sorry no, for child protection reasons this is not possible.
Are there recordings to download to use with the children?
Sorry no, these songs have been designed to be used without accompaniment using tunes you and the children know and love! So that you can:
- Sing at a pitch (high/low) and tempo (speed) suitable for you.
- Wherever you wish as there is no need for a device.
On the website, you will find simple recordings to remind you, the adult, of the tune but they have not been created to be used with the children.
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.