7 Ways You Can Use Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

I would speculate that almost everyone in the UK knows the nursery rhyme Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
When my two children were young my husband and I sang to our children after their story every night. We would always end with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star; it was probably one of the first nursery rhymes they sang. My experience when attending nurseries is most two year old children know the tune and most of the words! Although the tune is actually quite difficult for a young child to sing. I believe familiarity from a very young age plays a big part here; most parents know the rhyme so sing it to their baby and/or toddler
So, how can we get more from this loved and well known nursery rhyme?
1. Sing other well-known nursery rhymes to the children that have the same tune:
Baa, baa black sheep
a,b,c,d (the alphabet rhyme)
2.Sing other versions of the nursery rhyme:
Twinkle, twinkle chocolate bar
Twinkle twinkle golden fox, Where did you get those spotty socks? Are you ill you poor, poor thing, Shall I give the vet a ring? Twinkle twinkle golden fox... I think you might have chicken pox! (Kindly posted by someone on the Music in EYFS Facebook page)
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! (Alice in Wonderland)
3. Listen/download a version of Mozarts Ah! vous dirai-je, maman, CLICK HERE to listen to a version of it on Amazon which is where the original tune is believed to have originated from.
4. Listen to the song sung/played within different genres:
Pop: Fredricka Stahl, Declan Galbraith, Elizabeth Mitchell and Lisa Loab
Country: Isla Grant
Vocal: Hayley Westerna
World Music: Ahi Wela, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
Below is a video I found that shows, through Twinkle Twinkle, different genres of music. It is possibly too long to show the children but you may find it interesting to watch/listen.
5. Read a story that has been written about the nursery rhyme.
6. Learn/sing/share all 5 verses of the song with children. Here are all the words in this link
If you would like to share an animation with the children then this video is good:
7. You could also use the nursery rhyme as a mini topic:
Science/Understanding of the World: Night and Day
Art: Star pictures/paintings
Dance/movement: dance like stars. Use a prop to help: Here's a picture you can use in the dance. Print, laminate and cut out; you may like to attach ribbons instead of using the trails on the picture.
And I could go on!
There is lots you can take from just one nursery rhyme. You could also try this with other well-known nursery rhymes. Have fun!
Happy music making!
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