
Get those children singing!

Get those children singing! (1)

Do you find that some of the children in your EYFS setting just sit there and don’t join in with the singing?  How can you get more of those children to join in? Let's get those children singing!

Joining in with your current repertoire

All children need to learn well-known nursery rhymes but sometimes the singing of them can become a little flat.  Giving the song a little twist could be all that's needed to get more children to join in.  It could be singing the song with a change in dynamics (…

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Exploring the senses!

Exploring the senses!

Exploring the senses!

It is British Science Week in March.   How can we explore this in the EYFS and put a musical twist on it?  Using the senses is a brilliant starting point for very young children.  Below I have put forward an idea of how you can use music and each sense:

Hearing: listen to a wide genre of music: pop, electronic, jazz, folk, classical…

Sight: Listen to music or sing songs whilst you change the amount of light.  Why not project a light on a surface? 

Or use fabrics to cre…

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