
Music Time Madness

Music Time Madness

I’m going to be honest with you, not every Music Time I teach goes to plan.  I currently run classes for nurseries/preschools and in the past have run parent /carers and children classes. 

Parent/Carers and Children Classes

When I ran my parent/carers and children classes, I sometimes liked to think of them as organised chaos.  These usually had children between the ages of 18 months to 4 years and I witnessed children doing various things during my Music Time: wandering around, opening and sh…

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My 5 favourite props to use during a Music Time

My 5 favourite props to use during a Music Time

My 5 favourite props to use during a music time are...



Puppets are great for getting children to interact with songs and rhymes.  Song mitts (as in the picture) are good for counting rhymes as the children can see the character/object disappear as you are counting down or up.  Finger puppets allow you to play 'peek a boo' musical games and are smaller enough for the children to move during listening activities.  Hand puppets when used by an adult are big enough for everyone to see an…

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